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Get to know the new members of the Columns team!

Meet our new Growth Specialist, Lisa Gamreklidze

At Columns, we are always excited to welcome new team members, as they bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. This time, we had the pleasure of interviewing our new Business Growth Specialist, Lisa Gamreklidze.

Welcome to Columns! Tell us about your experience.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am a business growth specialist, with a background in graphic design. I am excited by seeing the growth trajectory of brands and businesses when design is holistically implemented.

Having spent the majority of my career journey at brand building and experience design studios in London and in Hong Kong, I also have valuable experience working within publishing, marketing and management consulting.

What attracted you to your role at Columns? Any highlights so far?

Yes, lot of highlights… we are a friendly team of problem solvers; everyone is happy to get stuck in and resolve an issue quickly. We communicate openly, and our studio environment encourages that.

What initially attracted me to Columns is our deep heritage in brand building and design. Our portfolio of work is impressive – and some stand out case studies include our work with Accor – The Savoy, Knight Frank and our work with Age Co.

Which creatives would make your Columns fantasy team – and why?

I admire so many creatives, it’s challenging to choose. However, an interesting mix would include; David Byrne (his shows are so sensorial), Nina Simone (her emotional storytelling moves me to tears), Baz Lurhmann (his films push boundaries, makes you re think what’s possible), Wes Anderson (visually delightful film making) and my Bath Spa alumni, Mr Bingo (humour). Their verbal, visual and musical storytelling expertise would make every project an exhilarating experience!

What superpower do you contribute to the team?

My curiosity, empathy, listening skills – and international experience. I enjoy discovering the heart of every problem, understanding this from the lens of the problem owner. I believe this is why I build meaningful connections with clients and colleagues within a short space of time.

Where in London do you go to get inspired?

Ideas and inspiration can come from anywhere. I often find inspiration when playing with my 6 year old niece. Children are so curious and direct, they’ll ask you “why?” over and over, until you start to wonder why some everyday products or services are designed that way… Therefore, I don’t really have a specific place that I go to in London, although I still feel inspired when I walk through Shoreditch, it reminds me of fun times when I was a design student. My other favourite cities for inspiration are Brighton and Tbilisi and I’m lucky to call both places my home.