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Get to know the new members of the Columns team!

Meet our new Design Director Angela Osgerby

At Columns, we are always excited to welcome new team members, as they bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. This time, we had the pleasure of interviewing our new Design Director, Angela Osgerby.

Welcome to Columns! Tell us about your experience.

In my 18 years of experience in design, I’ve had the privilege of working with clients across a wide variety of sectors from education and arts and culture through to retail and architects.

I’ve always worked for small design studios which has given me a broad range of skills and an opportunity to collaborate directly with clients. For me, ideas and narrative are the key to creating successful, engaging design.

What attracted you to your role at Columns? Any highlights so far

I was excited by the opportunity at Columns, the agency is well established but at an exciting point where I felt I could come in and add value and impact to the creative team.

Highlights so far are hitting the ground running on an exciting, fast–turnaround project – the best way to get to know how the team works.

Which creatives would make your Columns fantasy team – and why?

Louis Theroux – I’m a massive Louis fan! I love his ability to listen and understand people without judgment.

Sonya Dyakova – I love her typography and the tactility of her work. It’s crafted on strong, pure ideas and it’s so beautiful.

Baz Luhrmann – The sensory overload of his films is amazing, they’re lavish, extravagant, and maximalist!

Aside from your current Columns briefs, what would be your dream project?

For me, a dream project isn’t necessarily about the brief but more about the collaboration between the client and the design team. The combination of a client that trusts and values the process teamed with designers and creatives who listen and bring energy, passion, and a variety of skills – that’s where the magic happens!

What superpower do you contribute to the team?

I love listening to people’s stories and gaining insight into their ideas and experiences. I think this gives me the ability to connect with audiences emotionally through my work.

Where in London do you go to get inspired?

Depending on where I am on a project I’ll seek inspiration in different places. As designers, we are problem solvers and I find at the start of a project those solutions are found in quiet moments when I have time to think and let a brief live in my head for a while. Some of my best ideas have come to me in my commute to work where I just have space to think.